Avengers Age of Ultron Movie Review
Ruth Christensen
Recently Avengers 2 hit the theater in Carlsbad and my brother and I got to go see it opening night. I absolutely loved this movie and I hope everyone gets a chance to see it. The movie opens with the Avengers fighting to get into a Hydra compound. Then being attacked by two new characters Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, one of the Avengers in injured in the fight. Once they make it out of the compound with what they came for. Billionaire Tony Stark, Iron Man starts to work on a project with Bruce Banner to create, as he puts it in the film, “a suit of armor over the earth.” When technology backfires a new robot emerges, Ultron. Originally tasked to bring peace to the world Ultron strongly believes that to save the world, all humans need to die. I’m going to stop right there before I spoil the movie. Early I said two new characters join, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Quicksilver is enhanced with superhuman speed and can out run Thor’s lightning, Cap’s shield, and yes even Hawkeye’s arrows. His twin sister, Scarlet Witch, has the power of telekinesis and hypnosis meaning she can get in someone’s head, feel what they feel, and manipulate their thoughts. One thing I loved in this movie that they didn’t just have thousands upon thousands of people die; when there was a fight they tried to get everyone out. It’s not only really awesome effects and characters but it does have some humor and romance in it as well.
Even though I love this movie so much, I must warn you there is a lot of violence and language. The violence they don’t go super gory but some people get shot and one guy is disarmed, literally he loses his arm. The language is pretty consistent through out the movie but not every minute. There is innuendo between some of the characters and some of the male avengers show up shirtless at least once. Besides that, there’s isn’t much. If you do see the movie in theaters stay for the mid credit scene, but there is no very end credit scene. I love this movie and all its character of course Hawkeye, is still my favorite superhero, but you learn more about a lot of all the avengers fears and pasts. I hope you get the chance to see Age Of Ultron and love it as much as I do. This is your glow writer Ruth E. Christensen, wishing you a MARVEL-ous week. See what I did there?