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What better way to make your day then watching to baby tigers learn to swim? See these 2 little guys, Spot and Stripe, take to the water on BBC earth.

Baby Tigers learn to swim-BBC Earth

Disney Announces Two New Lands


           Long ago in a galaxy far far way the Disney officials made a special announcement. To be more exact one month ago in California at the D23 expo Bob Iger announced that Disney will be adding two Star Wars lands! One in Disneyland and another in Disneyworld.

         According to the Oh my Disney article the lands will be  “a pair of 14-acre lands that will feature creatures, characters and vehicles pulled from Star Wars: The Force Awakens as well as the older films. Iger teased a Mos Eisley-style cantina, as well as the two signature attractions: one that puts you in the middle of a climactic battle between the Resistance and the First Order and the other that allows you pilot the most famous ship in the galaxy, the Millennium Falcon”

            How absolutely amazing is that? The article did not say when the projects are supposed to break ground but from the concept art the new lands will be a must see. Grab your Mickey ears and be ready for the grand opening!

Sarah Christensen

World Smile Day!


         I hope you brought your smile because the first Friday in October is World Smile Day! Help us celebrate the 17th annual world smile day! Since 1999 the holiday has been all about doing an act of kindness or just sharing a smile. According to this holiday was actually proclaimed a holiday by the U.S. congress! The smiley face is patented by Franklin Loufrani since 1971 in 80 countries although commercial freelance artist Harvey Ball was actually said to have created it in 1963.Harvey is also the man who decided that we need a day to smile and spread kindness. Mark it on your calendar, October 2nd is World Smile Day get out there and spread some kindness!


Sarah Christensen

Disney Announces New Movie Gigantic


           At the D23 expo this year Disney announced a new animated movie called Gigantic, the story of Jack and the Beanstalk with a twist. According to Disney Insider the movie is set in the Spanish age of discovery. Jack travels to a world populated by Giants and attempts to help precocious 11 year old giant Inma rid the land of the villainous storm giants. From the makers of Tangled with the song writing team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez (the couple behind both Frozen and Winnie the Pooh) Gigantic promises to be another must-see from Disney.


Sarah Christensen

Gearing Up for the Holidays


As we all know November is a big month for celebrating, Christmas season is beginning, as well as, Thanksgiving. In the midst of this prepartion we want to take a moment to recognize the lesser known holidays of this month. Some of the more popular holidays include Mickey Mouse’s Birthday on the 18th and the ever popular National Pizza with the Works Except for Anchovies day on the 12th. Now, of course, we don’t want to move in on Thanksgiving’s day but the 26th also happens to be National Cake Day. However if you already have Thanksgiving plans National Bavarian Cream Pie day is conviently located on the day after Thanksgiving. You can find even more of these long-forgotten yet well-loved November holidays on and don’t forget that everday is worth celebrating!


Sarah Christensen

Breaking Zebra News


If you were in West Philadelphia on Sunday November 15th and thought maybe you say a zebra walking down the street you weren’t crazy. Two Zebras escaped from a circus on 52nd at 2p.m. and were chased around town by local police all the way to City Avenue, over 2 miles! The chase only lasted for a total of 40 minutes when the culprits where sucessfully captured but witnesses got a good laugh as well as a few interesting social media posts. PETA however is extremly unhappy although both zebras are currently home and doing fine. No Zebra was harmed in the writing of this or any other article in this magazine. Have a great week and remember to look around you, you never know what you might see.


Sarah Christensen

Photos and breaking zebra news form


Ant-Man and the Wasp


On October 8th on Ant-man 2 was officially announced. Entitled Ant-man and the Wasp, the movie is set to debut on July 6, 2018. This movie is the first Marvel film to be named after its herione so we can expect the Wasp, Hope Vandine, to be a pretty big part of the movie. Be sure to look out for this as well as others movies like Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange from Marvel Studios in the near future.


Sarah Christensen

The Tiger and the Goat


On the 22nd of November poor Timur the goat was sent into a zoo enclosure in Moscow to become food for the Siberian tiger, Amur. Timur however had other ideas, instead of being chased by the tiger Timur “chased Amur out of the big cat’s own sleeping place” according to Alexey Eremenko on NBC news. Timur has been in the Tiger enclosure for 4 days at the time of the story, Amur and Timur take walks and Daily Mail says the two  “appear to be ‘friends’”. Timur sleeps in the enclosure and the tiger Amur sleeps on the roof. Head to the breaking news section of our website to see a video of the two new friends in the enclosure and go to to read the full article.


Sarah Christensen

Star Wars Premiere


The force is strong in this article, and the new movie which premiered on December 17th! The red carpet premiere was a star-studded event complete with guests from Mark Hammill to newcomer BB-8. Even R2-D2 and C3PO took a stroll down the red carpet. You can check out the picture on and be sure to watch the move Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Sarah Christensen

Closing 2015, Welcoming 2016


These two events meet on Oh My Disney blogs with a list of the best things of 2015 and what we are looking forward to hitting theaters in the new year. “It was very special stretch of 365 days.” according to Oh My Disney, full of Cinderella, Inside out, The Good Dinosaur, and of course Star Wars! 2016 is looking to be a full year for Disney already with Finest hours in January, as well Zootopia, Jungle Book, Civil War and Doctor Strange, Moana, and yes Another Star Wars, Rouge One to look forward to in the new year! I definitely agree that “It is safe to say that we’re going to be spending a lot of time at the movies this year!” Head to our website and let us know what your favorite moments of 2015 were and what you’re most looking forward to in 2016!


Sarah Christensen

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